Special Programs – On the Table


This video series is oriented toward teens. Through a unique learning experience, including powerful cinematography and workbook resources, teens will come to see the Mass and the priesthood in a dramatically new way. Altaration is designed to stir thought, create conversation, dispel myths, and inspire young souls to a deep and lasting love for the Mass. The goal of Altaration is not to fill teens’ heads with information but to pierce their hearts with transformation.


A Biblical Walk Through the Mass

As Catholics, the Mass is the center of our Faith. We celebrate it every day. We know all the responses. We know all the gestures. But do we know what it all means? In A Biblical Walk Through the Mass, Dr. Edward Sri takes us on a unique tour of the Liturgy. Based on the revised translation of the Mass, this book explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in the Liturgy and explains their profound significance.

This intriguing look at the Mass is sure to renew your faith and deepen your devotion to the Eucharist.


Awakening Faith,

Reconnecting with Your Catholic Faith, is a small group process that helps inactive Catholics return to the Church. The group meets once a week for six weeks of conversation and socializing. The conversations are based on short, easy to read essays about spirituality, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, God’s mercy, the Mass, and the Church. The meetings foster reflection, prayer, and honest sharing in a setting of hospitality and acceptance.

A small community is formed and over the weeks that community becomes a bridge to the larger Church community. Additional, optional essays allow the group to continue to meet if desirable for another four weeks to discuss faith, love, marriage and divorce, and money. The process is simple and inviting.


Living the Eucharist

This is a new, parish-based program designed to help revitalize parish life and spirituality through a more profound experience of Sunday Mass. It helps the entire parish—adults, teens, and families—grow in their Catholic faith and live more fully as disciples of Jesus.

Living the Eucharist runs during Lent for three years. Parishioners can take part in adult and teen faith-sharing groups, family activities, devotional and catechetical Lenten readings, and a prayer campaign.

This program would require a substancial commitment on the part of the parish – involving some 40 volunteers. For this reason the Parish Council has chosen not to aim for this project at the current time. Perhaps in the near future when more volunteers may be available.